Young Single Adults

The Young Single Adult group is for adults ages 18 to 30. The group gives opportunities for young single adults to associate together in meaningful service, gospel learning, and social activities.

For the latest activities go to Young Single Adult Activities page.  

Upcoming Events and News

Texting Service:  If you have not already signed up for the texting service, please text SPRINGSYSA to

1-855-773-1037 so you can always be in the know of upcoming multi-stake YSA activities.


Please e-mail if there is anything we can give you or help you to be successful. Here are some ways we can help:

·         If your ward/branch would like the Multi-Stake YSA Cochairs to come to your ward council and explain our purpose and offer suggestions for ways your ward can minister to your YSA’s, we would be happy to do that. 

·         If you need any hard copy brochures to hand out, we have extra. 

·         If you are planning a shepherding night and would like some YSA’s from the YSA wards to assist you, we can set that up. 


We hope you have a wonderful month of May,

Your friends on the Multi-Stake YSA Council