
Roots of faith start young. We have programs to help children and youth become the best they can be as they learn good values and develop their relationship with God.

"Have you ever had that searching feeling, wondering if Heavenly Father knows who you are and if He needs you? My dear youth, and to all, I testify the answer is yes! The Lord has a plan for you. He has prepared you for this day, right now, to be a strength and force for good in His mighty work. We need you! It simply will not be as grand without you!" 

"The Savior’s love for us is unfailing—even when we fail! Nothing can separate us from the love of God.2 Remembering this love can help you push back the confusion of the world that tries to weaken your confidence in your divine identity and blind you of your potential."

(Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President)

Youth theme for 2023

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13

Music and art: 

Youth Programs

Weekly Activities -- One night each week the young men and women meet for group activities. The activities are run by the youth with guidance from adult leaders. Activity night helps build lasting friendships, build a support group and to strengthen each others faith in Christ.

Sunday School -- On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month the youth meet in small groups to discuss gospel topics.

Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women's -- On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month the youth divide into young men's (Aaronic Priesthood) and Young Women's. Similar to Sunday school the youth discuss gospel topics and worship together. 

Seminary -- During the school year our youth have the opportunity to participate in week day seminary classes. These classes help youth learn about Jesus Christ and his gospel. (Course Materials)

Dances -- Once a month on Saturday night the youth from around Colorado Springs and neighboring towns meet at a big dance. It allows for a clean environment for the youth to gather and have fun.


Fact to Face Events. -- "Church leaders care deeply about teenage members, and they understand that youth are often full of questions. Members of the Church’s global leadership committees invite youth to ask those questions in regular Face to Face events." 

Inspirational Music

Youth Website

#StiveToBe - Just for Youth